Monday, January 3, 2011

Sing it with me now: Figaro!

A few weeks ago, I visited my talented fashion savvy friend Aurija in her showroom. She designs Figaro by Accessoir's cute and girly handbags. I fell in love with all of them, and even walked away with a punky little number for me :)

This is the cute bag I received and have work everyday since I got it. The straps are chains and the bag has a quilted pattern with cute tassles in front.  The bag also has a kind of elastic on top that closes the bag a little tighter on top. I carry everything I need for the day in it, and have no qualms.

I love the inside of Figaro's bags, too! Its so cute and colorful and spices up the bag a bit.


Here are some more bags presented by some very fierce looking models. Love the leopard!

Such a cute day bag!

This buttery red leather is what I'm all about going into spring.

Add Figaro on Facebook and check out some more bags in Rainbow stores near you!

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