Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy Fashion Week!

I always know its fashion week when every woman on the 6 train is clutching onto her Elle for dear life, an papercutting her manicured fingers along the way.

Fashion week is always the time when the city buzzes with excitement... like a crazy caffeinated kind of buzz , for me at least. I'm so excited to see alll the gorgeous collections and will be posting reviews as soon as I can.

Even though I wont be able to attend the shows (wahh) , I've decided to not only offer my reviews, but show you how to achieve some trends. Since I've been a lazy dresser (and devoted my life to college) this will not only benefit you, but me too!

Also, if I've got the time: Journalism class is requiring a photo gallery type assignment so most likely it will be on fashion week and whatever I can photograph outside.... or if I'm lucky, I'll hide in Anna Wintour's purse.
Can't wait!

Happy shopping loves <3

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